100m floating streamer – layflat inflatable Red Schlumberger
100m floating streamer – layflat inflatable Red Schlumberger
- Price: Price on application
This is our premium floating streamer with 18 electrodes arranged in inverse Schlumberger arrangement with a 24m wide centre transmitting pair. It is 100m long, made of red layflat Crusader brand hose designed for suspending pumps in bores. The hose tapers from 1 ½” to 1” diameter and electrodes are integrated in streamlined manner using low profile Oetiker clamps covered with tape so they do not wedge in forks of trees fallen in the water. It has Kevlar rope within it attached to electrodes to endure strain of the streamer catching on logs and halting momentum of the boat. The Streamer is inflated with a hand pump in minutes. See the document on the Namoi River survey for an example of use of a floating streamer. It is a premium quality imaging streamer and deserves much more application than it has received! Perhaps it’s merit has been lost in the sea of deceptive sales pitches of competitors. It returns such high-quality signal that we have been able to use it in the ocean at the mouth of an estuary imaging through 3m of seawater to resolve mud and sand beneath. Normally, a submarine streamer is preferred when imaging from seawater.
This streamer is ideal for River and Estuary surveys and has depths of investigation extending to 22m below the water surface. If I am asked to make another floating streamer, I will use design principles adopted in this one but will stagger electrodes each side of the centre so that only 10 rather than 18 are required – such as is done in our submarine streamers.
This streamer, combined with our bottom tracking modelling software resolves not only layering beneath the surface water but layering within the surface water too, calibrated and without drift and system response description problems inherent in competing floating TEM systems.