For Groundwater Managers
Getting good detailed conceptual models for groundwater flow and aquifer to river connection is critical to the success of any groundwater modelling efforts. Sparse monitoring bores are not sufficient. Groundwater Imaging can interpolate between and away from bores with geophysical imagery using our towed trailer mounted loop TEM to provide a detailed subsurface dataset. Our river-borne geophysics is tailored to detailing the very connection between rivers and aquifers and without this sort of dataset, any groundwater conceptual model incorporating a surface waterway will lack critical detail. Our HERBI system for waterway survey maps substrate resistivity to 30m deep using a 100m floating cable, or to 10m deep with a submerged cable and also maps bathymetry, waterway width and water gradient reqired for surface water modelling. On difficult to navigate inland rivers and creeks the light weight of HERBI renders it cost effective when towed by persons simply wading along the waterways, possibly assisted by a kayak or amphibious vehicle. It can be pushed under or over logs, dragged up or down rapids and small waterfalls and carried across dry lengths of intermittent streams.
Groundwater Imaging have completed numerous subsurface electrical resistivity imaging surveys for groundwater studies for town water supplies and mining related aquifer disturbance prediction. We have surveyed leachate plumes migrating from tailings dams and pollutant retention ponds.
For Moisture Migration Mapping (MMM) and for salt and pollutant migration mapping, we offer time lapse resistivity survey using buried multi-electrode cables, optionally augmented with telemetry for remote monitoring using GSM/GPRS.
Our Google Earth Bore Graphics for state bore databases may be accessed to quickly and cheaply gain a 3D representation of free available lithological data in any location where we can access free data. We have already set up access to the NSW, Victorian, Queensland and Coleambally Irrigation Area databases. We know others (WA, SA, Tas, NT) are available but have yet to link to them.
We also have experience conducting down hole geophysical logging (resistivity, induction resistivity/EC, caliper and gamma) for environmental investigations and we have some down hole water level, conductivity, temperature and pH monitoring and logging equipment (Schlumberger Diver, Greenspan). If we are assigned to geophysical survey across a site, we can augment and integrate such survey with down hole services.