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Options for deep 3D Modelled EM

Tensor 3D EM using a high power focused mobile TEM transmitter

Best quality 3D tensor EM requires a multiplicity of EM soundings from an array of stationary or mobile digital sensors in conjunction with a moving, focused, very high power TEM transmitter. Some explorers use a large fixed EM loop or grounded dipole to get extra deep signal penetration, however this arrangement returns signal from only one fixed coupling with conductors that can be ambiguous to interpret, or may even enitrely fail to couple with important conductors. GPS time stamping, precision positioning and orientation are now technically feasible to allow accurate construction of a 3D earth model. The Wallaby or Wallaroo towed TEM platforms (with either 1 or optionally 3 Tx components) combined with roving and/or whole arrays of stationary GNSS synchronized receivers with full waveform acquisition and postprocessing is a good combination for such tensor 3DEM.

It is suggested that our 6 square metre per turn air-core receiver loops can pack up suitably and quickly and be cost effective enough to make purchase and use of a whole array of such receiver loops very practical for use in tensor 3DEM surveys.